What is Headstart? 

Headstart is a support group for head and neck cancer patients and their carers, families and friends. 

What is Headstart hoping to achieve?

Headstart provides an environment for people to come along and share experiences. Meetings are held every two months. We have talks from professionals and patients on different topics; for example, a patient’s experience of having had head and neck cancer, complementary therapy, eating and drinking issues, or what is currently happening in the Cancer Network pertinent to head and neck cancer.

We provide wonderful refreshments at our meetings, we all take part in a quiz, and a raffle is held with wonderful prizes. The events are held in the Kent Oncology Centre, Maidstone Hospital, The Surgeon’s Mess, Queen Victoria Hospital, and the Post Grad Centre in Medway Hospital.

When was Headstart formed, and by whom? 

Headstart was formed in November 1997 by Jo Kerr, Macmillan Head and Neck CNS, Maxillofacial Unit, who now works in the Royal Sussex County Hospital. She started Headstart with her colleague Brooke Quinteros, Specialist Adult Speech and Language Therapist, since retired. Numbers have swelled during this time, and you can download our database form here if you would like to receive information about our forthcoming events. Just print it out and fill it in or email us at headstartnews@gmail.com 

What does Headstart do? 

Here are just a couple of recent examples of what Headstart is doing in the background. Some essential equipment has been purchased, for Laryngectomy and Tracheostomy patients, in particular; a fully working model where nurses can explain in detail how the voice box works. We have also purchased suction machines and nebulisers which enable patients to leave hospital earlier. This is better for them and it also frees up bed space. This equipment has cost many thousands of pounds, but we feel it is important to help patients in Kent & Sussex.
Headstart is a wonderful resource in Kent & Sussex for ALL Head & Neck Cancer Patients, their families and their carers. A big thank you to those who have already helped. By turning up at Headstart you will see how welcoming the atmosphere is.

Come along and experience our welcoming atmosphere.
Headstart is here to help and support all

Head & Neck Cancer Patients in Kent & Sussex
along with their families, carers and friends.

Here are some of our group proudly holding examples of the equipment that we provide for patients.
For more information or help, please contact us on our email address: headstartnews@gmail.com